
Missional Living in Midst of the Coronavirus Crisis

By March 23, 2020No Comments

We are all realizing that our world can change very quickly, that our situation just a few weeks ago, is not the same situation we are experiencing today. Xochitl and I just returned from Washington D.C. where I was to preach a missions conference for a great church in the area. Even though I checked with the church on Thursday PM before flying, and ate dinner with the pastor on Friday pm, taught the men on Saturday pm, and even a group of couples on Saturday pm, but late Saturday evening they made the correct decision to cancel their public services.

We totally understood because of the seriousness of the circumstances, and I preached my message that I had prepared to the host family where we were staying.Because of the rapidly changing situations, I wanted to take the opportunity to address how we can live missionary during this time and under these circumstances. 

1. Do not give into fear.

Psalms 91 was written during a time of pestilence and David refers to God in this Psalm as “My God; refuge and my fortress, in whom I trust”. It is easy as we listen to the news, or see everything on social media to give way to fear. That is not the response of the redeemed; our response is to trust in the good hand of our Father and trust in what He is doing.Just like I wrote last week about the Sovereignty of God throughout this entire situation, we have to trust in the fact that God is doing something bigger than us, bigger than our political persuasion, bigger even than our country. He is doing something in the whole world. I believe that at the end of this crisis, He will be glorified more, the Gospel will be preached to more, and more people will be exposed to the only Hope that exists, the Hope of Jesus Christ! None of us know totally all that God is doing, but we can trust in “Our God, because He is our refuge, our fortress and in whom we trust”. 

2. Churches are not closed,
just our buildings are

Churches are not closed, buildings are closed, Temples are closed, but the church of Jesus Christ is alive and well. The areas of the world where the church of Jesus Christ is growing the fastest are the same areas of the world where they cannot meet in or build church buildings. Interesting, no?So now we are not able to meet in our buildings for a while, what can we learn:the church is not a building but a body; the church is not a service but the mission that Christ gave us to make disciples of all nations. So, now we are going to online services, that’s great! I have listened to several different pastors and teachers preach and teach in the last few days. I have participated in prayer services for churches hundreds of miles away from where I live. The church is becoming viral, we are realizing we are not contained by walls. 

3. Unprecedented times present unprecedented opportunities. 

Just because we are in isolation does not mean that we live like hermits or that we only focus on ourselves. These are unprecedented times, but at the same time they are presenting us with some unprecedented opportunities.

This is exactly the time when the church of Jesus Christ shines; we meet opportunities. Engage in your neighborhood, and also on social media. Find out what peoples needs are, people are fearful, some need help and assistance. Be sympathetic to those who are having a hard time financially. I met with a dear friend yesterday that is likely going to loose his business. There are many others that will, and others that will become unemployed They will have needs, let’s be sympathetic to those needs. I love the fact that our church has already started a food drive to help local families, and taking up special offerings to help those who will be affected financially by this crisis. I mentioned last week that the believers in Rome ministered to the citizens of Rome during the plague, and because they did almost all of Rome was evangelized. We certainly are living in unprecedented times, but they also are presenting unprecedented opportunities to minister and show the love of Christ.

Please take time to pray for  missionaries who are serving in some of the areas most affected by Coronavirus. They are far away from their families and cannot travel. They themselves are at risk because of the countries where many of them live. We are in constant communications with them and will let you know of any news.