
Helping to Align Churches in order to Engage the Unreached

By October 28, 2019No Comments

In our second module in our Global Focus missional process we help align churches around the singular mission of Christ; which is to make disciples in our Jerusalem, and all the way to the Ends of the Earth. Many churches are aligned around their own programs, their buildings, their weekend services, but not around the Mision of Christ. We help them to see that the reason the church exists is to be God’s instrument to make disciples locally and globally at the same time.

This past week Luis Marti was able to continue to mentor the Amigos church of Soyopango, El Salvador. They were able to develop their Missional Purpose Statement and integrate that mission into every ministry within the church. Also they learned how to implement a global prayer strategy in all of their small groups and services. 

At the same time that Luis was teaching in El Salvador, Yovanny was teaching the same module in Turen, Venezuela at the Ebenezer Evangelical Church. Pastor Yovanny pastored for several years First Baptist Church of Turen, which is a model Global Focus church and is now full time director for Global Focus in Venezuela. Ebenezer saw how Global Focus helped First Baptist and they asked Yovanny to mentor their church as well. They have now developed their Missional Purpose Statement; Missions Mentality and Global Prayer Strategy also. Yovanny was also able to travel to Bocono, Venezuela and continue to mentor First Baptist Church in the 3rd module of Global Focus, helping them to develop their Global Teams and thus reach locally and globally at the same time. We are very excited at how churches all over Latin America are joining in at engaging the lost in their own local area, and the unreached on the other side of the world! 

This week I am in Queretero Mexico, teaching the exact same module to a group of 3 Bible Churches. The enthusiasm was palpable as each church developed their Purpose Statements;  Missions Mentality and then a strategic prayer strategy to pray for missions and missionaries every week. One of the pastors mentioned he and his leaders knew that their church needed direction, and they had been praying for that. The last 2 nights God showed them that His Mission was His Direction for their church!