Our Strategy
We walk along side local churches through a personalized mentoring process. In this process we help them to implement paradigm shifts and changes that result in more people serving in missions, praying informedly, giving sacrificially and going personally. This missional mentoring process consists of 6 modules and takes about a year and a half for a church to implement.


We help teach local churches to understand the missional purpose of the church and God’s local-global plan. We help provide the church with needed strategies to mobilize it’s own members to a loving response to the Word of God and to use their spiritual gifts, talents, and life experiences to fulfill their own “Life Mission” and find their unique fit in God’s Kingdom. Below is an overview of this process.


An organization’s Purpose Statement answers the question, “Why do we exist?” Many times, members of a church either do not know why their church exists, or the reason they think is not correct. The church does not exist in order to just build buildings, or hold services. The church exists in order to fulfill God’s mission in the world. Since the church ultimately belongs to Christ, the purpose of the church must be to express why Christ formed the church. Each church must develop a purpose statement from which it’s goals, strategies, and activities will flow in order to fulfill God’s mission. Every member of the church should know that purpose and be able to personalize it in their own lives.


The Missional Mentality is the process of integrating Christ’s mission into every single one of the ministries of the local church.Why is it important for the church to integrate missions into its DNA? For most churches missions (with an “s”) is a segmented, compartmentalized program that’s viewed no differently than any other of the church’s activities or ministries – it’s simply something else they do, if they do it at all. But in an Acts 1:8 church, missions have ceased to be a program, instead, it has become the singular mission of the church, a purpose that pervades every area of church life. Global Focus teaches churches how to develop a year-round, comprehensive strategy that integrated missions into every ministry of the church.


As a church begins to align itself around God’s mission, one of the most important tools it has, is strategic prayer for missions and missionaries. In churches aligned with God’s mission, prayer is not only a tool, it becomes a practical ministry for the people to personally participate in missions. This participation in missions should be done privately and also in the weekly public services of the church, in the small groups and other meetings. This gives more members the opportunity to intercede for missionaries, local and global mission projects, and unreached people groups. Strategic prayer has to become a priority in the spiritual life of the church. Every believer needs to understand biblically the strategic role of prayer in global evangelism.


Most churches have a missions department, but in our process we teach that the entire church is the missions department, because missions is the main purpose of a church.When fulfilling Christ’s global mission becomes the mission of the church, then the church must organize in order to accomplish that mission. In order to achieve that everyone in the church is personally involved in missions, based on the paradigm of Acts 1:8, we help a church to develop “Global Teams”
Most churches already have  existing structures, some of which are methods to teach the Bible to its members. Through the Global Focus process, we realize that the primary purpose of the church is to simultaneously make disciples in our own local community and in all nations of the world. However, most churches do not have a defined and established structure or process to achieve that goal. Global Teams helps divide the Great Commission into groups that the entire church can engage personally in that global mission.


In order for a church to carry out its main mission of making local – global disciples, not only does it need to have the structure in which to carry out the main mission of the church (Global Teams), but it also needs to have effective strategy. This strategy allows the church to devise a specific plan to make disciples in its local community and all the way to the ends of the earth.Through our Global Focus process, we help each church develop effective individual strategies to make disciples in their own Jerusalem, their Judea, their Samaria, and even the ends of the earth.


One of the best ways to engage church people in mission projects both locally and globally is to encourage them to personally experience what God is doing in the world. In addition, this dynamic teaches them how to use their spiritual gifts, passions, talents and life experiences as a platform to fit into projects and minister to people outside the walls of the church, within their own local community and all the way to the ends of the earth.
Experience has shown that those involved in short-term missions projects, experience dramatic changes in their personal commitment to Christ, their activity in the overall life of the church and their commitment to God’s mission. Many people think that they cannot participate in mission trips because they are only thinking about the ends of the earth. But as part of the Global Focus missional process we try to bring the balance of Acts 1:8 to the mission of the church. In that sense, each church should develop projects locally, trips in its own country and cross cultural trips internationally. Over the past few decades, as communications and transportation technologies have advanced rapidly, it has been easier to mobilize church members toward opportunities for short-term cross- cultural missionary service.


When a church is personally involved locally and globally, they are going to need new strategies in order to raise more funds to impact the world. To maximize the congregation’s involvement in missions, they must be given a specific opportunity to participate financially. When a congregation participates in globally focused giving, it allows for personalized involvement; it allows for year-round involvement, and it provides opportunities to exercise faith.
Jesus was clear in teaching us the principle that where we invest our resources determines where our heart and passion is. So, if we say that the Great Commission is our mission, then our personal giving and our church’s giving should be an expression of God’s global priorities. We will explore this theme of giving in relation to God’s Global mission to discover how your church can significantly increase its offerings to the global missionary efforts and alliances.


Keeping a congregation inspired and motivated is a challenge. Global Focus teaches churches how to prepare an annual event that brings the world to the church, saturates the entire congregation with a global vision, and challenges them to personal involvement. This event is a catalyst to praying for missions prayer, sacrificially giving to missions, and personally going to participate in missions. 
In order to integrate a missional vision in the collective consciousness of the congregation, we should periodically schedule events that highlight the local – global mission of the church. The Global Celebration is the main event is held once a year to celebrate what God is doing in missions through our church, as well as the goals towards where He is directing us to engage. To integrate global missions into the personality of the church and to release the DNA of Jesus from the lives of the congregation, it is wise to schedule events that will reinforce, enlighten, inspire, encourage and challenge the global mission vision of the church body. We will explore several events that will aid us in this process. If the local church is God’s primary instrument to evangelize the world making disciples and fulfilling His mission, then the annual Global Celebration becomes the axis of everything we do at the church.


A strategic alliance is a key component if the local church wants to be involved in God’s overall mission. It allows you to become actively involved not only in the sending of your members, but also in the development of a strategy of involvement in the work of the Kingdom of God.

The concept of strategic alliances is key to the process of mobilization in a church that is implementing the Global Focus Mission process. It is a crucial element in engaging the church strategically in local and global missions. At the same time, it is key to incorporate each believer in the most appropriate and personalized way in the work of the Kingdom of God. Strategic alliances help the church realize that its participation in missions is not just an economic participation, but actually that “the missionary is the whole Church.”


Personalization is the key principle that will unleash the potentiality of each person of the Church to become God’s individual instrument to communicate the message of Christ to all peoples of the world.

Personalization is the process of helping believers discover their role and fulfill their purpose in God’s kingdom by using their spiritual gifts, abilities, resources and life experiences to advance God’s global cause, which is gathering worshippers unto Himself. Our role as church leaders is to help all believers find their unique kingdom assignment, to discover their ministry fit. The way we help every believer in the church a through our Bible study “Where do I fit in?”